People can get arrested for assault charges in a variety of different circumstances. Sometimes, one party claims to fear for their safety because of an in-person argument or alleged threats sent via social media. Other times, there may have been a physical fight that...
Criminal Defense
How eyewitness testimony can affect a criminal trial
State prosecutors need strong evidence to justify bringing criminal charges against an individual. They typically do not pursue charges unless they feel confident about their ability to convict if the case goes to trial. Some criminal cases rely on financial records...
How should you handle a “knock and talk” by the police?
It’s always disconcerting to find the police at your door. It may be more disturbing, however, to realize that police often use what’s called a “knock and talk” tactic to gain entrance to someone’s residence. When an officer knocks on your door and asks you to speak...
What happens after a probation or parole violation in Georgia?
When someone faces criminal charges in Georgia, the possibility of incarceration is often their biggest fear. Defendants will sometimes plead guilty to charges despite maintaining their innocence simply because they want to eliminate the possibility of a lengthy...
Do you need to let police search your vehicle during a stop?
Hundreds of people get pulled over by the police on any given day in Georgia. Most of them receive only a warning or a traffic citation, but some people end up arrested because of serious criminal allegations. The police officer pulling you over should have probable...
What is a family violence offense?
Those accused of a family violence offense are at risk of state-level and federal penalties related to those accusations. While the prosecution will likely occur at the state level, Georgia state laws and federal rules impose specific penalties for family violence...
What most people don’t know about Georgia shoplifting charges
Shoplifting or retail fraud is one of the most common forms of theft in Georgia. Someone enters a store with the intention of taking property that they will not fully pay for before leaving. Some people hide merchandise in their pockets or purses. Others swap out...
Top ways police violate rights in search and seizure
The Fourth Amendment protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures by government authorities, including federal agencies and local law enforcement. Unfortunately, police officers don't seem to worry much about violating these rights. Those accused of a crime...
When can the police conduct a vehicle search?
It’s important to know the laws that may apply to you when you drive your vehicle. Something you should be aware of is if and when it’s legally allowed for an officer to search your vehicle. Did you know that the police can search your vehicle without a warrant in...